NPPE Testing Accommodations

The National Professional Practice Examination or NPPE gives a confirmation of the knowledge of several content areas as given by the exam blueprint. 13 engineering and geoscience self-regulatory bodies all over Canada utilize the NPPE as one of their needs for licensure.

For the NPPE eligibility, you need to have applied for professional membership (those who have not applied for professional membership can’t register for the exam).

This exam is computer-based and is administered using Measure Learning, a merger of Yardstick, a Canadian computer-based testing vendor, and ProctorU, which is an online proctoring service.

There are 5 exam administration sessions provided per year. The exam format is 110 multiple choice questions, each one of them with four options and only one right answer per question. Every question is scored 0 (incorrect) or 1 (correct) with no penalty for guessing. The time limit for this exam is two and a half hours. In some jurisdictions (like EGBC), this examination contains an essay, which leads to 3 and a half hours in duration.

NPPE registration process:

You can register for the NPPE using each provincial association. To know more about registration in your jurisdiction, reach your provincial association. For example, for Alberta APEGS applicants, the NPPE registration is done by myAPEGA:

NPPE Testing Accommodations:

Specific testing needs can be accommodated for a candidate who is taking the NPPE. Testing accommodations can include the following:

·        Extra breaks

·        Extended testing time

·        Larger font (provided to all candidates in the stock exam interface)

·        Reduced-distraction testing rooms (for test centers only)

If you want to submit a request for testing accommodations, you have to contact your provincial regulator when you register for the exam.

If you are an Alberta APEGA applicant, contact;

Supporting documents from an education specialist or health care (written within the last 3 years) is necessary, which outlines the following:

1.   Disability details

2.   Details why testing accommodations are required for a computer-based exam based on the disability

3.   Specifically, what accommodations are needed because of the disability (for example, one hour of extra time is needed because of visual impairment)

You have to submit the testing accommodation request and supporting information before the end date of registration. If your application is received after the registration deadline, you will have your exam rescheduled to the next session.

Before you apply for NPPE:

You need to be a member-in-training or an Engineering/Geoscience Licensee applicant.

A Geoscience/Engineering Licensee applicant has to have received a letter, which grants permission to write the exam.

All members have to comply with continuing professional development (CPD) reporting for the previous year.

You need to read the National Professional Practice Exam (NPPE) Candidate before you register for the exam. This guide gives details on what to expect for the exam and provides you with helpful study materials.


Here, in this blog, we provided you with necessary information related to the NPPE Testing accommodations. However, you shouldn’t forget to take services from an expert. The expert you hire must be a specialist in a particular province of the country. For example, if you want to migrate to Saskatchewan, then hire an APEGS NPPE expert to get everything done.







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