Required Documents For Stage 2 Competency Engineers Australia

Stage 2 Competency Engineers Australia is referred to the brief knowledge skills that are based on engineering application capabilities, values, and professional indicators. It is also necessary for working as a professional independently and without any supervision. The stage 2 competency levels have been developed for Chartership (Chartered membership for Engineers Australia (CEng). Apart from that, its holder gets registered with National Engineering Register (NER).

16 elements needed to be addressed in Stage 2 Competency Engineers Australia:

1.   Practice competently

2.   Deal with ethical issues

3.   Develop safe and sustainable solutions for engineers in australia’s stage 2 competencies

4.   Responsibility for engineering activities

5.   Evaluate, identify and handle risks

6.   Engage with related community and stakeholders

7.   Performance

8.   Communication

9.   Fulfill legal and regulatory needs

10.                Judgement

11.                Taking action

12.                Local engineering knowledge

13.                Advanced engineering knowledge

14.                Evaluation

15.                Problem analysis

16.                Innovation and creativity

Required documents for Stage 2 Competency Engineers Australia:

You have to undergo a series of document submissions to attain Chartership. The following are the documents that you need to submit to be qualified as a Professional Engineer: 

1.   The most updated resume

2.   Engineering Competency Claims (ECCs)

3.   Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Record

4.   Engineering Experience Record (EER)

Let’s know about each one of them:


You are required to upload the latest resume/CV for your Stage 2 assessment application. Here, you need to include your recent work experience history along with the one you are involved in in the present. It should be simple and precise.

Engineering Experience Record (EER):

It includes all your work experience records. You need to refer to the employer’s name under whom you worked. You also need to mention the job roles and responsibilities you had in your employment period. The word limit for Engineering Experience Record is nearly 700 words. 

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Record:

CPD or Continuing Professional Development shows your skills and knowledge in the engineering field you claim. It is an important NER (the National Engineering Registration) application.

You need to show how many of the CPD hours you have attained in the last three years. It includes the details regarding your commitment towards the engineering product, standards, and technological efficiency you reflect in the workplace.

Engineering Competency Claims (ECCs):

Engineering Competency Claims or ECC needs you to mention your core competencies with the work experience. Your involvement in the technological field of engineering is shown using Engineering Competency Claims. The total number of Competency claim that has to be submitted is dependent on the type of pathway you pick. For instance, you are required to have a total of sixteen engineering competency claims for the ECR pathways.

Pathways for Competency standard:

You can apply for Stage 2 Competency assessment using the following pathways. These are the pathways for the preparation of a genuine report reflecting the knowledge you have earned so far.

1.   Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA)

2.   Mature Experience Engineer (MEE)

3.   Engineering Competency Report (ECR)

4.   Professional Development Program (PDP)

To prove your Engineers Australia Stage 2 Competencies, you should hire a CPEng report writing professionally. It is because writing a report on your own will not give you a guarantee of a successful assessment. The reason is that a professional has a much deeper knowledge of the report writing guidelines, EA assessment criteria, and Australian engineering atmosphere. Apart from that, they also have support from experienced quality analysts helping them to prepare a flawless and effective report.




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