NPPE Exam Testing Accommodations

Are you an engineer with a burning desire to work in Ontario as a professional engineer? If yes, then you must know about the NPPE Exam. This exam plays a huge role in the assessment of an applicant. So, the better you know about this exam, the easier it will be for you to prepare for a professional engineering licence.

What is NPPE Exam?

The full form of NPPE is the National Professional Practice Examination, which is a 2.5-hour, closed-book, online exam about ethics, professional practice, engineering law and professional liability. You, as an eligible candidate, may write the NPPE at any time (within the time limit given by PEO) as you gain 48 months of engineering work experience necessary for licensure. For the reduction of time for licensure, you are encouraged to write the NPPE early in the time limit given by PEO.

This exam is conducted five times a year in the following months: January/February, April, June, August/September and November). This exam is conducted by means of remote practicing, which means you will the NPPE Ontario exam from your home. Special accommodations can be made for you if you have a demonstrated need. You need to contact the PEO Exam Centre to know about this for more information about making special accommodation requests.

Professional Engineers Ontario will send you a registration notice when you are eligible to write the exam.

The NPPE confirms the knowledge of professionalism, ethics and law. 12 engineering and geoscience self-regulatory organizations in Canada currently use the NPPE. This exam follows all relevant standards given in the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing to make sure the exam program is reliable, valid and fair (psychometrically defensible).

NPPE Exam Testing Accommodations:

Specific testing requirements can be accommodated for you. Testing accommodations can include:

Extended testing time

Extra breaks

Reduced-distraction testing rooms (for test centres only)

Larger font (for all candidates in the stock exam interface)

For the submission of a request for testing accommodations, you need to contact your provincial regular when you register for the exam. For Alberta APEGS applicants, contact

Supporting documents from a health care or education specialist (written within the last three years) are required outlining:

Disability details

Details why testing accommodations are required for a computer-based exam based on the disability

Specifically, what accommodations are necessary due to the disability (for example, one hour of extra time required due to visual impairment)

You need to submit the testing accommodation request and supporting information before the registration deadline. If received after the registration deadline, you will have your exam rescheduled to the next session.

Rescheduling, refunds, and cancellations:

Before the NPPE exam registration deadline, the exam may be canceled and refunded or deferred to a different session. When the exam deadline has passed, the exam fee is non-refundable. Deferrals can be requested until the exam booking deadline (given in the Measure Learning booking email), in a medical emergency or illness, court appearance, death in the family, or military duty.

A deferral form can be asked for by means of your provincial association. For Alberta, you need to reach to get a deferral form. Appropriate supporting documents like a doctor’s note must be given. 


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