Upcoming NPPE Exam Dates

 Are you planning to take NPPE Exam to attain a professional licence? If yes, then reading this blog will help you. Here, we will tell you about the upcoming dates. Besides that, we will also tell you other necessary things related to this exam. So, read this blog thoroughly.

What is the NPPE?

The National Professional Practice Examination or NPPE is a two-and-a-half-hour, closed-book, online exam about ethics, professional practice, engineering law, and professional liability.

An eligible applicant may write the NPPE at any time (within the time frame given by Professional Engineers Ontario) as they attain 48 months of engineering work experience which is necessary for licensure. For the reduction of the licensure time, an applicant is encouraged to write the NPPE early in the time frame that is given by PEO.

The NPPE Ontario is conducted five times a year (January/February, April, June, August/September, and November). This exam is organized via remote proctoring, which means an applicant will write the exam from their homes. Special accommodation can be made for an applicant who has a demonstrated need. One needs to contact the PEO Exam Centre for information regarding making special accommodation requests.

PEO’s Exam Centre will send the applicant a registration notice when they can write the exam.

This exam confirms knowledge of the law, ethics, and professionalism. Twelve engineering and geoscience self-regulatory organizations in Canada use the NPPE. This exam adheres to all related standards given in the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing to make sure that the exam program is valid, fair, and reliable.

NPPE Exam blueprint:

The current (2017) NPPE blueprint (exam specifications and blueprint) was created by the collaboration of engineers and geoscience subject-matter experts (SMEs) across the country in a one-year consultation process.

The NPPE blueprint content and the question numbers in each are developed by the SME members of the Professional Practice Examination Committee (PPEC) on the basis of their professional experience, judgement about the importance of each area, and harmonization with the national guideline on the professional practice examination outlined by Engineers Canada. The blueprint content and question weighting were then validated at a national level by every participating jurisdiction member of the National Professional Practice Examination Advisory Committee (NPPEAC).

Each NPPE administration has 100 operational questions that are used for computing candidate scores/ The totals of the lower and upper ranges for the question numbers in each topic area (for example, 7 to 10 questions) only indicate that the weight is symmetrical around the averages that would make up the exam over time.

For instance, in one examination administration, the Professional Law topics are may have 8 operational questions. In another exam administration, the Professional Law topics are may have 9 questions and the like.

It is hoped that a candidate knows and demonstrates a clear understanding of all material listed in the NPPE Exam blueprint as any of the topics listed might be tested to a greater or less extent in each exam.

Upcoming NPPE Exam dates:



Deadlines for registration

January 23-25, 2023

December 2, 2022

April 3-5, 2023

February 10, 2023

June 5-7, 2023

April 28, 2023

September 11-13, 2023

July 14, 2023

November 6-8, 2023

September 29, 2023





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