APEGS CBA System To Report Work Experience

APEGS, the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan regulates and licenses nearly 15,000 geoscience and engineering professionals for the welfare of the public as per The Engineering and Geoscience Professions Act.

Self-regulation recognizes that those who are in the engineering and geoscience professions are in the best position to evaluate the competence, qualifications, and conduct of those who work as engineering or geoscience professionals in Saskatchewan.

It sets high admission standards for a qualified engineer and geoscientist to become licensed in the province. To remain proficient in protecting the public, licensed geoscientists and engineers are committed to ongoing professional development and are guided by the engineering or geoscience Code of Ethics.

APEGS also investigates allegations of professional incompetence or professional misconduct of members and takes fitting disciplinary action. Besides regulating the profession, it also prevents the illegal practice of geoscience and engineering performed by unlicensed individuals.

Why having a licence is a must:

Both geoscience and engineering are regulated professions not only in Saskatchewan but also in the whole of Canada. It means that only those who are licensed by the regulatory body can practice these professions.

If you are working in Saskatchewan and your work falls under the definition practice of professional engineering or practice or professional geoscience as given in the Engineering and Geoscience Professions Act, then you need to either:

·        Have registration as a professional geoscientist or engineer in the province, or

·        Work under the direct supervision of a registered professional engineer or geoscientist in Saskatchewan

The association makes sure that every engineer or geoscientist who is working in Saskatchewan is licensed and fulfills important professional standards in the fields of engineering or geoscience. According to the law, a licence is a must for the protection of the public and the environment.

Right to work:

When a member receives their engineering or geoscience licence, they become eligible to use the appropriate designation/title after their name. Examples of protected designations in Saskatchewan include P.Eng, P. Geo, geoscientist-in-training, engineering-in-training, engineering licensee, and geoscience licensee.

When a member has a professional licence (P.Geo./P.Eng, engineering/geoscience licensee), they can sign and seal documents. A professional seal and signature on the document give assurance to the public that their well-being and safety and protection of the environment are given the utmost importance.

Professional licence:

Before you become eligible to apply for your professional licence, you need to have four years of engineering/geoscience work experience evaluated by the Experience Review Committee.


For eligibility, you need to have registration as an engineering-in-training or geoscientist-in-training, or a member-in-training applicant who has been given the APEGS work experience reporting option to try and have confirmatory exams waived.

CBA system to report work experience:

The association uses an online competency-based assessment system, CBA. By means of this system, it assesses the work experience of an applicant. Besides providing validated examples to demonstrate each of the competencies, you need to have at least four years of experience validated in the system. 


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