CIOB Rules And Regulations Of Professional Conduct And Competence

CIOB members are governed by the Royal Charter and the Bye-Laws. As per the Bye-Law 31, all members are bound to further to the best of their ability the interests, objects, and influence of the Institute.

A member shall also observe the Rules and Regulations of Professional Competence and Regulations of this institute for the time being in force.

These Rules and Regulations below have been accepted by the Membership at an EGM on 19 June 2017, after a member consultation. The procedures related to these Rules and Regulations are set down in the CIOB’s Disciplinary Regulations.

The Board of Trustees may add or change any Rules or Regulations from time to time providing that such additions or changes are not contrary to the Royal Charter and the Bye-Laws. Notice of additions or changes to the Rules and Regulations will be by the appropriate means at the announcement time.

In these Regulations and Rules:

Words and expressions shall have the meaning, if any, assigned to them in the Royal Charter and the Bye-Laws;

A ‘member’ shall mean all corporate and non-corporate members of the Institute;

‘Company Members’ shall mean all company members of the Institute;

The word ‘logo’ refers to the logo accepted by the Board of Trustees for use by corporate members only.


1.   The Institute members shall always act with honesty, integrity, and trustworthiness.

2.   Members shall behave towards others with fairness, respect, and equality at all times.

3.   Members shall discharge their duties with full probity and fidelity. In particular, they shall:

3.1.      Not divulge any information that is confidential and related to business activities;

3.2.      Avoid conflicts of interest and any actions or situations that are not consistent with their obligations as a CIOB member;

3.3.      At no time improperly solicit, offer or accept gifts or favors with a view to attaining preferential treatment or getting an unfair advantage.

4.   Members shall not discriminate on the basis of race, gender or ethnic origin, gender or sexual orientation, nationality, creed, disability, or age.



5.   Members shall not take up work for which they knowingly lack sufficient technical or professional competence, or the adequate resources to fulfill their obligations.

6.   Members shall make sure that all work taken up is in accordance with current standards and good practice.

7.   Members shall always act in the best interests of clients and provide good customer care and service.

8.   Members shall before taking up work, make sure that written terms and conditions are issued to the client. Such terms and conditions shall include but are not limited to the following:

8.1 the score, nature, and limits of the proposed work;

8.2 The basis and timing of any payments;

8.3 The procedures to apply in the event of a dispute;

8.4 A complaint handling procedure;

8.5 The nature and scope (including any limitation) of the insurance cover, applying to the work.


9.   Members shall be adequately and appropriately insured for all risks that are relevant to their activity.

10.                Members shall keep themselves updated with the current thinking and developments appropriate to the type and level of their responsibility. They need to be able to offer proof that they have taken undertaken enough study and personal development to fulfill their professional obligations as per the Institute’s policy for Continuing Professional Development (CPD).

11.                Members shall have knowledge of and adhere to any relevant legislation to the construction industry or/and as appropriate to the activity they take up, with particular regard to welfare, health, safety and the environment.

12.                Members shall cooperate completely with CIOB staff and any person appointed by the Institute to act on its behalf.

13.                Members shall submit in a timely manner such information, and in such form, as the Institute may reasonably need.

14.                Individual members may use the Institute logo and company members may use the company logo as per the guidelines issued by the Institute from time to time. Such logos may not be used with the name of any other person, business, or other organization.

Company Members:

15.                Company Members shall inform their employees of these Rules and monitor their adherence to them.

16.                Company Members shall make sure that staff engaged in the construction process have attained, or are working towards, appropriate qualifications or/and training.

17.                Members who are partners or directors of Company Members shall make sure that, so far as is practicable in accordance with that Member’s role and responsibilities, the Company Member shall adhere to such parts of these Rules as are applicable to Company Members, and may face disciplinary action accordingly.

To know more, you should hire a CIOB competency report writing expert who has deep knowledge of such rules and regulations. Besides that, it can also help you attain its membership by helping you in CIOB Professional Review.



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