CIOB (The Chartered Institute of Building)

CIOB, the Chartered Institute of Building, is the world’s largest and most influential professional body for construction leadership and management.

Its members work across the world in the development, conservation and improvement of the built environment. CIOB accredits university degrees, educational degrees and training. Its professional and vocational qualifications are a mark of the highest levels of professionalism and competence, giving assurance to clients and other professionals procuring built assets.

It has a Royal Charter for the promotion of the science and practice of building and construction for the benefit of society, and it has been doing that since 1834.

Its Royal Chartered was granted in 1980, and it sets out objectives that form the foundations of the Institute’s work are:

·        Promoting the public benefit of the science and practice of building and construction.

·        Advancing public education in the said science and practice including all necessary research and the publication of the results of all such research.

These objectives are the foundations of the CIOB’s work and its role, and they set the standards to which its members are committed. Officers, staff and Members are ultimately responsible to the Privy Council, for making sure that all business for, on behalf of, or in the good name of the Institute is conducted to that standards and as per the directions of the Royal Charter.

All CIOB members are therefore expected to operate to a strict code of conduct, and it has clear disciplinary procedures.


The Institute has nearly 50,000 members in more than 100 countries. Its members work in disciplines covering the whole lifecycle of a built asset and even in the education and development of the next generation of professionals.

Chartered membership will offer you recognition of your abilities, experience and knowledge within the industry, creating more exciting career opportunities. In addition, CIOB Chartered Members also have access to more than 500 events every year, free CPD resources from the CIOB Academy, a complimentary subscription to Construction Manager Magazine and access to CIOB’s Library Information Service.

The Institute welcomes applications from all types of construction professionals, from surveyors to conservationists, engineers to HR specialists and lecturers to designers.

Membership grades:

The following are some CIOB membership grades:

MCIOB (Chartered Member):

The Chartered Membership grade brings with it many benefits like the right to use MCIOB as a post-nominal letter designation. One can also choose between the descriptor of Chartered Construction Manager and Chartered Builder. This membership also provides the right to vote and apply to become a Trustee, and thus be able to actively take part in the management of the CIOB.

Fellow (FCIOB):

The grade of Fellowship is the highest award, offered by CIOB. Its Fellows are amongst the most knowledgeable and experienced professionals in the industry of construction, and they are recognized all over the world for their attainments and skills throughout their careers. Besides that, the associated post-nominal letters, FCIOB, are highly regarded and in demand.

Technical Member (TechCIOB):

The grade of Technical Member (TechCIOB) is a specialist award given by the Institute. Its purpose is to empower specialists to promote their attainments via a globally recognized certification and post-nominal letters.



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